[Feri Sulianta] The Hoax virus, as the name suggests is (hoaxes). Actually there is no virus code used in its spread. The action is executed because the information propagated manipulates people into thinking that there is something 'important', so people who read it are convinced to run an action based on false news.
Generally such information is disseminated via e-mail. Hoax virus can be very dangerous, because it can manipulate the people do important file deletion. Spreading is done by tricking people who receive it to spread the information to other colleagues as an important warning.
http://static.ccm2.net/ccm.net/faq/images/1484-hoax-email-060508-s-.png Here are some famous Hoax Viruses: MSN is closing down, A virtual card for you, Meninas da Playboy, Bill Gates fortune, JDBGMGR, Justice for Jamie, Hotmail hoax, Budweiser frogs screensaver, Bonsai kitten, Olympic torch. Hoax virus can be classified into several categories:

http://static.ccm2.net/ccm.net/faq/images/1484-hoax-email-060508-s-.png Here are some famous Hoax Viruses: MSN is closing down, A virtual card for you, Meninas da Playboy, Bill Gates fortune, JDBGMGR, Justice for Jamie, Hotmail hoax, Budweiser frogs screensaver, Bonsai kitten, Olympic torch. Hoax virus can be classified into several categories:
- Scam Letters that convinces the recipient to provide personal information and credit card information as if sent by: PayPal, IRS and AOL.
- Malware Warning: Warning of Viruses, Worms and Trojans. For example: Win a holiday, teddy bear hoaxes.
- Urban Myth, for example: Columbia Explosion and World Trade Center.
- Give Aways - Gift / reward. For example: Free blackberry, ipod, mobile phone, Get More monet, etc.
- Inconsequential warnings (eg incorrect warnings) eg: Messages that speak on behalf of reputable companies
- Messages of sympathy and messages for help
- Chain Letter (Chain Letters): Chain letters have different modes while trying to convince people to send messages to their peers / acquaintances. Different from hoaxes in general, chain letter offers money, it also promises luck in return for sending e-mail. Chain letters exploit the sympathy of people and lure money.
- These threat messages.
Here are some famous Hoax Viruses: MSN is closing down, A virtual card for you, Meninas da Playboy, Bill Gates fortune, JDBGMGR, Justice for Jamie, Hotmail hoax, Budweiser frogs screensaver, Bonsai kitten, Olympic torch.
Hoax virus can be classified into several categories:
Malware Warning: Warning of Viruses, Worms and Trojans. For example: Win a holiday, teddy bear hoaxes.
Urban Myth, for example: Columbia Explosion and World Trade Center.
Give Aways - Gift / reward. For example: Free blackberry, ipod, mobile phone, Get More monet, etc.
Inconsequential warnings (eg incorrect warnings) eg: Messages that speak on behalf of reputable companies
Messages of sympathy and messages for help
Chain Letter (Chain Letters): Chain letters have different modes while trying to convince people to send messages to their peers / acquaintances. Different from hoaxes in general, chain letter offers money, it also promises luck in return for sending e-mail. Chain letters exploit the sympathy of people and lure money.
These threat messages.
Scam Letters that convinces the recipient to provide personal information and credit card information as if sent by: PayPal, IRS and AOL.
The following are examples of the Hoax virus:
Win a Holiday
WARNING: If you get an E-mailed titled: "Win A Holiday". DO NOT open it. Delete it immediately. Microsoft just announced yesterday. It is a malicious virus that WILL ERASE YOUR HARD DRIVE. At this time there is no remedy. Forward this to everyone IMMEDIATELY !!
Get More Money
PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES! MICROSOFT VIRUS ALERT If you receive an email with the title "GET MORE MONEY", DO NOT OPEN IT UNDER .. .. ... DELETE all emails with this title AT ONCE! AOL confirms that this is a very dangerous virus for which there is no anti-virus software available at the moment.PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION ON AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE !!!
VIRUS HOAXES- Jdbgmgr.exe virus hoax
The hoaxes virus jdbgmgr.exe started appearing as a spam e-mail in 2002, which manipulates the user to delete a file with the name jdbgmgr.exe and says that the file is a virus with a teddy bear icon. Actually jdbgmgr.exe file is a valid Microsoft Windows file and not a virus file. Many versions of messages from virus hoaxes, such as in French, English, Polish, Italian, German, Dutch.
Virus Hoaxes Jdbgmgr.exe (english version):
I found the little bear in my machine because of that I am sending this message in order to find it in your machine. The procedure is very simple:
The objective of this e-mail is to warn all Hotmail users about a new virus that is spreading by MSN Messenger. The name of this virus is jdbgmgr.exe and it is sent automatically by the Messenger and by the address book too. The virus is not detected by McAfee or Norton and it stays quiet for 14 days before damaging the system.
The virus can be cleaned before it deletes the files from your system. In order to eliminate it, it is just necessary to do the following steps:
1. Go to Start, click "Search"
2.- In the "Files or Folders option" write the name jdbgmgr.exe
3.- Be sure that you are searching in the drive "C"
4.- Click "find now"
5.- If the virus is there (it has a little bear-like icon with the name of jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN IT FOR ANY REASON
6.- Right click and delete it (it will go to the Recycle bin)
7.- Go to the recycle bin and delete it or empty the recycle bin.
Watch out for HOAX Viruses
Reviewed by Feri Sulianta - News Portal
Maret 10, 2019

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